Sébastien Pérez-Duarte
Sébastien Pérez-Duarte is a computer and photography
dilettante, having studied for many long years something completely
unrelated. He has however the strange urge to do things as
mind-numbingly and thoroughly as possible, and has found in spherical
panoramas and their derivations a quiet and non-life threatening
hobby. He started specializing in conformal mappings after seeing Lloyd Burchill's work and is now officially
an addict, trying to find in the arcana of cartography journals the
right stuff.
Technical details
Panoramas were shot with a Canon 300D with EF-S 10-22mm, with a Nodal
Ninja 2, before a forced upgrade to a Nikon D200 with 10.5mm fish-eye
and a Nodal Ninja 3. Stitching is mostly done under GNU/Linux with
hugin, blended with enblend and projected in Gimp/Mathmap.