C SC 370: Database Systems


Summer 2004

Course website



  • Dr. Daniel German
  • Email: dmgerman at cs.uvic.ca
  • Office: ELW A248
  • Phone Number: 721-6020
  • Office Hours: F 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Lecture Schedule

(K01/K02) MR 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. ELL 168



Database Management Systems
Ramakrishnan and Gehrke
McGraw Hill, 3rd Edition 
ISBN: 00-72465638

Recommended: Recommended references will be announced in class.

Course Objectives

The objective of the course is to present an introduction to database management systems (DBMS), with an emphasis on how to organize, maintain and retrieve--efficiently, and effectively--information from a DBMS.  The course will focus in 4 main areas:

  1. Database design: how can we describe the world in terms of data?
  2. Data analysis: how can we answer questions about the world in terms of questions on such data?
  3. Concurrency and robustness: how does the DBMS allow multiple users to query and modify the same data? What happens when there is a system failure?
  4. Efficiency and scalability: how does the DMBS store large amounts of data and process them efficiently?


In this course there will be 4 graded assignments.  Each graded assignment is worth 5% of the final course mark for a total of 20% of the final course mark . All assignments are due weeks after they are assigned. 

Assignment Weight Assigned Week
1 5% Week 1
2 5% Week 5
3 5% Week 7
4 5% Week 9


There will be one midterm and one final exam.
The  midterm, worth 30% of the total course mark will be on the week of June 23.
The final exam, worth 50% of the total course mark will be scheduled by the University. 


Coursework Weight (out of 100%)
Final Exam

Students are required to pass both the midterm and final to obtain a passing mark in the course.

Final Grades are obtained by converting the numerical scores using the conversion table below. Dividing lines between letter grades may be adjusted by a maximum of 3% to account for natural breaks in the numeric scores.

F D C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+
0 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 - 79 80 - 84 85 - 89 90 - 100

Posting of Grades

Term marks, provisional final grades and final grades will be posted by student number. NO NAME WILL APPEAR. These postings are for your information and for your validation of the data entry. If you do not wish your term marks and grades to be publicly posted in this manner, please notify the course instructor by e-mail no later than May 7 , 2004.

Course Policies and Guidelines

  • Late Assignments: No late assignments are allowed.
  • Please note:

    • Assignments are expected to be submitted both electronically and in paper .  Assignments should be submitted in HTML for textual answers, and in plain text for programming assignments.  Only the electronic copy will be marked, and the paper copy will be used for recording the assignment mark and any feedback to the student from the marker.
    • There will be NO deferral or concession given for tests or assignments that are not completed on the date they are due or scheduled unless an appropriate medical excuse is provided.  The mark for any exam not written or assignment not submitted and for which no official medical excuse is provided is zero .  The medical excuse should be dated within the week of the exam or assignment deadline and should be handed in within two weeks of the exam or assignment deadline.  The medical excuse should provide sufficient information to establish that the student was not able to write the exam due to his/her medical conditions.  Student will also be required to give written consent for information about their medical condition to be disclosed to the instructor .  When a medical excuse is provided for the midterm exam the final grade will be calculated 80% from the grade in the final exam and the rest 20% from the assignments. When a medical excuse is provided for any assignment, the rest of the assignments will be worth 20% of the final mark.
    • The instructor reserves the right to use antiplagiarism tools , and to submit student assignments to antiplagiarism services .
    • In cases of plagiarism , and at his discretion, the instructor reserves the right to award a negative mark , or fail in the course the offending student.
    • From time to time, the instructor might offer some extra marks to students who complete some extra work.  These extra marks will be announced only in the bulletin board of the course and might never be mentioned during the lectures.
    • For the purpose of the assignments, students are expected to work in teams of two people.
  • Coursework Mark Appeals: All marks must be appealed within 7 days of the mark being posted.
  • Department policies: A list of department policies regarding all courses may be found at http://www.csc.uvic.ca/courses/policies/index.html